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Featured Organizations
La Mujer Obrera
Founded in 1981 by garment workers and Chicana activists, La Mujer Obrera is a local organization dedicated to creating communities defined by women. Their members and leaders live in the barrio Chamizal in El Paso, Texas, a predominantly Latino and immigrant neighborhood. Rooted in Mexican heritage and local knowledge, their Familias Unidas del Chamizal and Proyecto Verde programs apply a just transition framework to organize and work directly with residents—elders, families, and children—on pressing environmental hazards and injustices, like ozone nonattainment, toxic playgrounds, and polluting bus hubs and industrial fires near public schools and public housing.
Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living
Chester Residents Concerned for Quality Living (CRCQL) is an intergenerational grassroots community organization based in Chester, Pennsylvania that was formed to demand an end to harmful toxic waste facilities in their neighborhood. With a population of approximately 33,00 residents, 70% of whom are African American, CRCQL empowers and educates community members about the damaging effects of air pollution that have led to high rates of asthma, respiratory diseases, and cancers in their community. CRCQL has successfully led campaigns to shut down facilities that threaten their waterfront and community. Notably, they are the first activist group to apply the Civil Rights Act in an environmental racism lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection.