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About Us

Our Vision

We envision a just, sustainable, and joyful future where frontline advocates are leaders, delivering environmental and climate justice for all.

Our Challenge

Environmental injustices, coupled with significant health disparities and accompanying economic challenges, disproportionately affect people of color, Indigenous peoples, and low-wealth communities. Environmental and climate justice organizations have long fought for equal environmental protection and equitable solutions. Despite a long history of successful organizing, many organizations working to address environmental injustices remain challenged by a lack of sufficient technical and organizational resources and inadequate funding opportunities.

Our Response

The Frontline Resource Institute embodies a growing effort to address these critical needs. Guided by our Conceptual Committee, we aim to create an organization that provides integrated resources to frontline communities while bolstering shared knowledge and community rights to healthy, safe, and sustainable environments. By focusing on strategic planning and organizational durability for our inaugural grant cycle, grantees will receive funding to grow, plan, and strategize on their own terms.

Our Five-Year Plan

In order to achieve our vision and mission, our 2024-2029 Strategic Plan declares goals in four focus areas: Movement Building, Shared Learning, Technical Assistance, and Funding Access and Development. As a new organization, we also focus on two areas to build our financial sustainability and organizational culture: FRI Governance and FRI Funding and Development. Read the Plan Summary here, or click below to read the full plan.

Read the Plan
Our People

The Frontline Resource Institute Conceptual Committee

FRI’s purpose, mission, and values are guided by our Conceptual Committee.

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Stay Connected

FRI is committed to building a collective network of frontline groups through shared learning and movement-wide capacity-building. We invite you to join our community-guided network for access to resources such as external grant opportunities, job postings, and more.